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时间:2016-04-26 11:29来源:作者:点击:











Repeat After Me, Derrida: How to Read the Monolingualism of the Other in Entanglish, Philopoethically    



讲座人:Kyoo Lee 李圭),美国纽约城市大学教授












I only have one language, and it is not mine.  


You speak the impossible. Your speech does not hold water.    


– Jacques Derrida, Monolingualism of the Other, Or, the Prosthesis of Origin (1996)  



What is, or has become of, that “one language” today—in the age of radical linguistic diversity and conformity? This lecture (re)engages Derrida on the issue of constitutively twisted logos by exploring a philopoethical way of negotiating its powers & limits.  





Kyoo Lee (李圭), Professor of Philosophy at The City University of New York, author of Writing Entanglish (2015, Belladonna Chapbook Series) andReading Descartes Otherwise: Blind, Mad, Dreamy, and Bad (2012, Fordham UP), who also has co-edited journal issues on “Safe”(2011) and “Xenophobia & Racism” (2014), is a theorist and writer who works widely in the intersecting fields of the Arts & the Humanities. Recipient of faculty fellowships from the Mellon Foundation, Korea Institute for Advanced Study and The CUNY Graduate Center, along with John Jay Faculty Research Excellence Award, she also occasionally summer-teaches at Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics, seminaring on philopoetics. Currently, she serves as an Associate Editor of Derrida Today and Hypatia, and is also on the editorial board of Open Humanities Press. She has long been a member of Poetry Translation Center in the UK and recently joined the PEN America Translation Committee.



